As part of the preparation for the 2016 SUG election and the proposed general election by e-voting, the Electoral committee yesterday met with the Electronic Processing Agents (EPA) to educate them on their role as Electronic Processing Agents and not Election Processing Agents.

Addressing the EPA was the Dean of students’ Affairs, Dr. Zeb-Obipi, advised the Processing Agents to stay off any act that will get them into trouble during the forth coming election. He urged them to report any candidate trying to lure them into such act.
Do not forget that you registered with the ITC and your details will be detected by the system if any malicious act is being carried out.
He further stressed how the voting will be monitored:
During the voting Process, the students’ votes and names will appear on the computer in the control room. And if we discover that it was not the students that voted or any student complains of, then you all are in trouble.
 The Dean also disclosed that the procedure for the e-voting will be made public on Tuesday 14th June, 2016.

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